
The Leprosy Mission in India

Leprosy: The curable disease seen as a curse

The Leprosy Mission is the Charity Partner for our flagship Ideas for India conference, part of the annual India Week. While leprosy has been curable since the 1980s, existing laws...

Women Farmers in India

Oxfam India: 1% Surcharge on richest 10% to reduce inequality

The gap between the top 10% asset holders and the bottom 10% is 500 times in rural India but is shockingly 50,000 times in urban areas, Oxfam, the British founded...

Covid appeal India

Join our Covid Appeal today

Donate here Together, we can make a difference. The current wave of Covid-19 is devastating India. Recent mass gatherings, more contagious variants and a lack of adequate healthcare infrastructure have...

Women in Indian parliament

Indian government needs to empower women beyond constitutionalising maternity leave

India needs to work for gender inclusive policies rather than specifically focusing on women welfare to increase female employment Discrimination against women and girls is a long-running phenomenon pervasive across...

India's vaccine diplomacy

Vaccine Bandhan: Nursing the Neighbourhood

The Republic of India has set a exemplary global example of providing free assistance in the form of Covid-19 vaccines under a “Neighbourhood First Approach” by reaching out to friends,...

Coronavirus COVID-19 Microbiology And Virology Concept Panoramic Image.

India’s response to Covid: The world’s fastest and deepest lockdown

The world’s fastest and deepest lockdown from 25 March led commentators within the country and outside to remark in unison that Narendra Modi once again showed he was a Prime...

Coronavirus COVID-19 Microbiology And Virology Concept Panoramic Image.

India’s healthcare response to Covid-19

At first it seemed that India had been sheltered from the Covid-19 pandemic. Early action to restrict international travel by the government and state level precautions seemed to be holding...

Students using Glogerm

India needs health education as a core part of its school curriculum

2019 is an important year for Indian education. The Draft National Education Policy has recommended the doubling of public funding on education to 6% of GDP. This would be a...

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."

– Mahatma Gandhi