Foreign Policy

Photo by Shafiqul Islam on Unsplash

Bangladesh: A bottomless basket, or is it?

At the time of Independence on 16th December, Bangladesh had a GDP of only US$ 6.3 billion in 1971. It increased to US$ 100 billion in 2009. The GDP of...

Dr Raghuram Rajan

Ideas for India 2023 brings together ministers, central bankers, policy and business leaders from across the world

The second edition of Bridge India’s flagship Ideas for India conference was part of the inaugural India Week, which saw more than 900 attendees attend from six countries. Ideas for...

Rishi Sunak Asia Pacific Trade Deal

Asia Pacific Trade Deal Highlights Indian Potential

When Rishi Sunak’s government hailed the new Asia Pacific trade deal as ‘the most important since Brexit’, it was putting an optimistic spin on a pretty marginal agreement. Official figures...

Ro Khanna

The Lawmaker Reckoning: The forgotten Genocide of 1971

On 15th October two United States congressmen placed a proposed resolution in the House of Representatives urging US President Joe Biden to consider recognising the atrocities committed by the Armed...

Sheikh Hasina and Narendra Modi

Sheikh Hasina’s hopeful India visit

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s three-day official India visit is coming up from 5th September. Last time Hasina was in India was in 2019 three years ago, before the global...

Rahul Gandhi at Ideas for India

Bridge India’s inaugural Ideas for India conference brings together 500+ stakeholders from across India and the world

LONDON, May 23, 2022: The inaugural edition of the Ideas for India conference ended on Friday after three days of rich discussion on public policy. The three-day event on 18-20...

Narendra Modi Bilateral Investment Treaties

Bilateral Investment Treaties: Why India needs a rethink

A recent report by the Standing Committee on External Affairs shows how there are two missing pieces to the puzzle for India’s model for its BIlateral Investment Treaties. The recent...


We Indians must do better understanding China and end our misconceptions

During the germination of the idea of Bridge India in 2018, we were fortunate to have with us Shubham as an intern. He is unusual in his global outlook, in...

India-UK cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

Think tanks Bridge India and CUTS International urge closer Indo-Pacific collaboration between the UK and India

DELHI, 15 December 2020: In the backdrop of British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Dominic Raab’s visit to India and his discussions with External Affairs Minister of India Dr...

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."

– Mahatma Gandhi