
Economic Forum Karpacz Bridge India

Bridge India’s delegation to Economic Forum in Karpacz follows PM Modi’s historic visit

Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Poland last month to raise Polish-Indian relations to the level of a Strategic Partnership was the first from an Indian PM in 45 years. Bridge...

Dr Raghuram Rajan

Ideas for India 2023 brings together ministers, central bankers, policy and business leaders from across the world

The second edition of Bridge India’s flagship Ideas for India conference was part of the inaugural India Week, which saw more than 900 attendees attend from six countries. Ideas for...

A definitive case against the Aryan Invasion Theory

Let the “Aryan” debate become a debate again

The last thirty years, there have been plenty of lectures, papers and now online videos promising to “debunk the Aryan Invasion Theory” (AIT). Their impact has been very poor, essentially...

India-UK cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

Think tanks Bridge India and CUTS International urge closer Indo-Pacific collaboration between the UK and India

DELHI, 15 December 2020: In the backdrop of British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Dominic Raab’s visit to India and his discussions with External Affairs Minister of India Dr...

India EU Summit 2020

EU-India relations set for a new era

Finally, the EU-India summit has set relations on the right track to realise the full potential of strategic partnership. Thanks to China’s more assertive foreign policy, India now sees the...

IIBA Bridge India MOU agreement

PRESS RELEASE: IIBA and Bridge India agree reciprocal Membership to improve Members’ access to India opportunities

DUBLIN, 20 September: The Ireland-India Business Association (IIBA) and Bridge India are delighted to announce a collaboration that will help its Members better engage with market opportunities in India. From...

ibcl sudhir kohli

Announcement of Partnership with IBCL in Luxembourg

Bridge India is delighted to announce an exclusive Partnership with the Indian Business Chamber of Luxembourg that will benefit both Bridge India and IBCL Members. This Partnership will enable all...

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."

– Mahatma Gandhi