The UK family affords us all the security to live our lives as equals

 When I was the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment in Northern Ireland I had some wonderful and importantly productive visits to India and always remarked how the people I met carried the same family and moral values as that of my home country.

On leaving party politics and since being introduced into the House of Lords as a non-affiliated Peer, I was determined to remain a vocal and passionate advocate of the benefits of the union of the United Kingdom and why it is important for the four constituent parts to remain together.

Many people from all around the world look to make a home here, because of the International brand of the United Kingdom but the relentless pressure to break up the UK from nationalist organisations and political parties, such as the Scottish National Party, Irelands Sinn Fein and the Welsh Plaid Cymru is very real.

Previously they have had a free run in the media in pushing their separatist narrative, always with the same theme that an Independent Scotland or a United Ireland is inevitable, which is simply not true.

Only last November a George Soros-sponsored conference on the ‘Break up of Britain?’ was held in Edinburgh where all the above parties were represented and speech after the speech was made advocating the destruction of the UK. It has been a source of frustration that our main political parties in Westminster and also our state broadcaster haven’t always called out the false statements and untruths made by the Nationalist commentators when the UK has been described as fragile, not progressive or in decline.

Formation of the together UK foundation

With the obvious benefits of the UK being taken for granted, I formed the ‘Together UK Foundation’. Established as a not-for-profit, non-party political organisation, our aim is to be inclusive of all cultural and political backgrounds within the UK and to provide a unifying voice that is informed, independent and factually based. Whether it is in relation to financial stability and pension security; continued support for a reformed NHS; an education service that equitably supports our young people to academic or vocational success or an environment that challenges climate change.

We have begun to build relationships and make contacts, both within the UK and Internationally and are holding a symposium on the ‘Strength of the UK’ at Buckingham University in the month of June. Our challenge is to make people think about what they often take for granted, namely that the UK family affords us all the security to live our lives as equals, no matter our different religious or cultural backgrounds.

I hope your readers will support the ‘Together UK Foundation’ as we look to make the UK even stronger and ready for future challenges.

Arlene Foster Author


The Rt. Hon. Baroness Foster of Aghadrumsee, DBE is a former First Minister of Northern Ireland.

Published Date

July 27, 2024

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."

– Mahatma Gandhi