Thank you for becoming a Member

Thank you for signing up to Bridge India’s Membership. We are delighted to have you on board.

We have added you to our Mailing List for Members, and you should receive your first Member newsletter shortly. If can send us a 30-50 word description of you including any relevant links, we can include this in our next newsletter. You can see past newsletters here:

In the meantime, you can request to join our Members-only WhatsApp group by opting in here: . If you join, please briefly introduce yourself so that the other Members may know a little of your background and interests.

If you do share your good news about joining Bridge India on socials, please tag us in and follow us at: LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | BlueSky.

We look forward to engaging with you over the coming months.


Published Date

December 25, 2019

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."

– Mahatma Gandhi